5 Ways to Gain the Benefits of a Mentor

A Twitter follower recently asked, “Isn’t the point of mentorship personal interaction?” I’m glad she asked the question because she does have part of it right; having a mentor who interacts with you regularly through one-on-one meetings — where she or he listens and advises and where she or he offers to make introductions and…

Mentoring Minute: Turn A Difficult Workplace Conversation Into A Big Win – 5 Steps To Follow

Welcome to the Mentoring Minute™ series. Each week, I’ll answer a reader question and provide at least one great idea on succeeding at work, winning at life, and enjoying it. Do you find yourself avoiding difficult conversations out of fear that the relationship or situation will get worse? If you don’t address a difficult issue, it will not…

Turn A Difficult Workplace Conversation Into A Big Win – 5 Steps To Follow

“When is the last time you confronted someone at work or at home about his or her behavior and ended the conversation having enriched the relationship?” Communications expert Susan Scott asks this in her book, Fierce Conversations. This intriguing question suggests the very real notion that it is possible to both confront and enrich at…