“Caren’s personal commitment and her willingness to share her been there, done that wisdom, demystifying the process on how to earn a position on a board is invaluable to all who seek her expertise.”

“Caren’s personal commitment and her willingness to share her been there, done that wisdom, demystifying the process on how to earn a position on a board is invaluable to all who seek her expertise.”
“After serving on corporate advisory (and nonprofit) boards, I understand how to add value and believe the logical next step is to add to my board portfolio. This workshop gave me a step-by-step program and inspired me to achieve my goal.”
“For those of us with extensive business leadership expertise to offer, Caren’s workshop de-mystified the process on advancing to a public company board.”
“I’ve seen many “Board checklists’ & yours was among the best! Aspiring Directors should all read it.”
“I serve on a public board and this workshop gave me clarity on how to grow my board portfolio by adding the ideal boards that would benefit from my expertise. I highly recommend it!”
“I’ve served on private company and nonprofit boards. The next step for me is to offer my experience as a Fortune 500 executive to public boards and this workshop gave me clarity and confidence on how to grow my board portfolio.”
“Caren’s session was action oriented, results driven, with the end goal in mind. It was a fabulous use of time.”
“Caren’s workshop is practical and highly informative; it gives experienced executives actionable insights as well as the structure and “push” they need to accelerate their path to a corporate board. An extremely valuable use of your time.”
“Don’t stop telling your story. I heard person after person, today, say how much they enjoyed your talk.”
“When you spoke, it energized the room and you made it come alive!”
“Caren gives women leaders been there, done that advice to empower themselves with the right attitudes, mindsets and strategies necessary to create and lead a successful business.”
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“I have already gained the confidence and clarity I need to propel my career. The daily articles help to keep me accountable to continuously learning and improving myself.”
“A positive resource which addresses a wide range of issues in the workplace. The app helps me find success and upward mobility in the workplace by avoiding or handling issues that stall a career.”